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Tata Power is one of  India's largest integrated power companies, present across the entire power value chain of conventional & renewable energy, power services, and next-generation customer solutions including solar rooftop, EV charging stations, and home automation.

Formerly known as Tata Electric, Tata Power has pioneered technology adoption in the utility sector with many firsts to its credit including setting up one of India's first hydroelectric power stations in 1915.

Tata Power, together with its subsidiaries & joint entities, has 12772 MW of generation capacity where 30% comes from clean and green sources. They look to shape the future through our green initiatives. From energy-saving power services, to making India EV ready with multi-city EV charging stations and being India's #1 rooftop solar provider, Tata Power is continuously delivering green technology for the smart consumer.

With over a century of contributing to nation building, technology leadership, customer care, world-class safety processes and leading sustainability initiatives, Tata Power is 'lighting up lives' for generations to come.


Sustainability being a core philosophy, Tata Power leads the industry in clean and sustainable solutions for customers and the community.

Clean energy generation

Pioneering hydropower generation in India in 1915 with the first hydro station at Khopoli in 1915, Tata Power today has 30% of clean energy generation in its portfolio including solar and wind generation. They aim to grow this to 40-50% in the next few years.

Next-generation customer solutions

Tata Power established Mumbai’s first set of Electric Vehicle charging stations in Mumbai. Now present in Mumbai, Delhi and Hyderabad, they provide charging solutions making India EV Ready.

Tata Solar is present across the renewables value chain, from solar manufacturing to customer rooftop solutions.  Being India's #1 rooftop solar provider, Tata Power is continuously delivering green technology for the smart consumer.

Club Enerji

The company has pioneered initiatives to increase public awareness about energy conservation through Club Enerji – a resource conservation club that works with schools and children. Over 10 years,  the initiative has covered more than 553 schools, senstitized more than 19 million citizens and saved around 33  million units of energy. 

Mahseer Conservation Project

This is the company’s flagship biodiversity program to save the endangered species of freshwater fish – Mahseer. Started more than four decades ago, the program is a call-to-action to create awareness and sensitization, coupled with a successful captive breeding program. 

Business Highlights

Renewable Energy Generation

  • 3,927 MW Installed capacity

Conventional Energy Generation

  • 10,183 MW Installed capacity


  • 4,194 Ckm (circuit kilometers) Total transmission line capacity (Operational)


  • 12.9 million dustomers served

EV Charging Infrastructure

  • 3,700+ public charging points energised across 351 cities and towns

EPC Rooftop Solar

  • 1,650+ MW solar rooftop projects executed


  • 4.6 GW manufacturing capacity of solar cells and modules including under construction

EPC Large Projects

  • 11.5+ GWp (Giga Watt peak) projects executed and under pipeline

Financial Highlights FY23 (Consolidated)

See Tata Power Investor website

No. Label 2022-23 (Rs crore)
1 Net Income 56,033
2 EBITDA 10,068
3 Profit After Tax 3,810
4 RoCE (%) 9.3%
5 RoE (%) 12.6%
6 Dividend declared per share 2

Live Stock Data

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1 BSE Price ( )
2 NSE Price ( )

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