There’s a hole to fix.

One circle is building Heat pumps - a device that can cool and heat your home 3x more efficiently - and the obvious next step in transition to electric and net zero emissions.

Demand & Market are proven, so is the tech - heat pumps are so reliable they have been used in the Buckingham palace for years.

The Numbers 📈

1800 million Heat pumps needed by 2050 to reach Net Zero emissions. - International Energy Agency - EHPA

Heat pump market to be worth $140 billion by 2031, up from $60 billion in 2020 - FactMr

Heat Pump Market to Grow by 9% CAGR as Energy Demand Increases in Residential Sector - Bloomberg

Sealed - Startup helping people install heatpumps at no upfront costs, 350% annual growth.

Gradient - Window heat pump company bidding for NYC 24K units.