How can technology support the NHS to develop personalised care plans?



The NHS strives to give everyone care designed around their specific needs and adapted to their circumstances. But for some patients this will need to be formalised and written down in a personalised care plan.

This can include plans for the future – such as what should happen if the patient deteriorates – as well as a current care plan and details of ongoing treatment and self-monitoring.  

The NHS Long-Term Plan envisaged personalised care being rolled out to 2.5m people by 2023-24 with 750,000 of those with long-term conditions having a personalised care and support plan to help them manage.    

But sharing these plans between the different organisations patients may come into contact with is crucial if these plans are to drive better, more joined-up care and allow patients to have a voice in what happens to them.  

This HSJ webinar, in association with InterSystems, asked:   

  • How can technology enable the implementation of personalised care plans across healthcare systems? Which partners need to be engaged in this?    
  • What are the challenges around this for systems which are not particularly digitally mature? How can they be overcome?    
  • What are the benefits for both patients and healthcare systems of implementing personalised care plans? How can health systems maximise these benefits and get buy in from both clinicians and patients?    

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